Our Foundation
Founded in 2014, ICSA was originally established to highlight the exploitation and vulnerability experienced by Temporary Resident Migrants (TRM) on student, spousal or skilled worker visas.
We are proud that consistent advocacy and consultations with the Government resulted in improved systems for TRMs who now have better access to health systems, improved living arrangements, fairer pay from employers and support if they are in a situation of family violence.
Case management has now become our core service as we have assisted hundreds of individuals and families since inception. We support any individual or family in a highly vulnerable state and/or experiencing some form of abuse.
Services across NSW routinely refer clients to us, in particular people with complex and multi-faceted issues, and who have tried a number of services before coming to us.
Our small but highly professional team of volunteers specialise in client-centric delivery and are dedicated to social equality and justice, regardless of age, gender, background or heritage.
The sub-continent approach
Indian Sub-Continent nations and their surrounds have their own individual autonomy, politics, economies, language and other factors while concurrently sharing similarities in history, tradition, religions but particularly in cultural attitudes and family values.
In Australia regardless of where people arrive from, the issues they face here are fundamentally similar and dealt within the one system.
A system which doesn’t consider cross-country politics, religious conflict or orientation. As a growing demographic, proportionally the issues grow too and need to be addressed with understanding and cultural respect.
ICSA has a cultural framework to deliver professional services to the community which has multiple intersections that all need to be properly considered.
ICSA does not define the Sub-Continent to a set limit of countries but the target demographic to be any person with a heritage from the area or anyone that may to have similar cultural needs and attitudes.

What we do
A three pillar approach to address and improve social welfare.
- To address gaps and emerging needs in support for the CALD Indian Subcontinent Community through bespoke and tailored professional services.
- To convert primary data to community intelligence to develop better systemic solutions and improved service practice within culturally appropriate frameworks.
- To curate and cultivate community intelligence for advocacy aimed at outcomes of improved access and impact.

Our purpose is to improve systems and access to support for CALD communities, we do this by:
- Working with existing services to improve effectiveness
- Understanding the community we work with to improve access
- Developing bespoke services to close identified gaps
- Translating community intelligence into evidence-based training and reference material.
- Using real data to advocate for social policy change
- Cultivating subject matter expertise to influence emerging welfare needs
Our Clients:
Temporary Resident Migrants
New Migrants
Non-English Speakers
Front line workers
A leading centre of expertise delivering professional services within a cultural framework for improved welfare of the community
An Agency owned by the community run by the community working co-operatively for the benefit of the target community’s establishment and growth in Australia.
Inclusion, Mutual Respect, Compassion, Integration
Meet our board
Model of Practice
ICSA Operations are developed to fit our purpose of providing quality support to our clients.
ICSA is not a funded agency, our operations are sustained through dedication of skilled volunteers, pro bono professionals with some self-funding from fee-based specialist services. Ad hoc grants support some projects.
Our operations are sustained through dedication of skilled volunteers, pro bono professionals with some self-funding from fee-based specialist services. Some programs are project based and dependant on ad hoc grants.
We are always looking for committed and passionate people to join our team
All volunteers are endorsed to represent ICSA through a recruitment process and validation of skills, qualifications and experience.
ICSA regularly use professionals such as Lawyers, Migration Agents, Dentists, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Doctors, Accountants and other experts.
Providers provide some some Pro Bono support and are given first option to clients who need their service on an agreed fee base.
ICSA develops bespoke services to assist clients that are culturally tailored to needs. Services are delivered by trained or accredited specialists.
ICSA develops products to primarily assist clients either directly or through capacity building in service providers and organisations.
- Training
- Cultural Consultancy
- Client Reports
- Developing tailored resources
- Systems Engineering
- CALD Auditing
The Agency is a Company registered as the INDIAN (SUB-CONTINENT) CRISIS & SUPPORT AGENCY referred to as “ICSA” or “The Agency”.
ICSA is a public company limited by guarantee and a not-for-profit social enterprise NGO, with a charitable status. Ownership is through a fully paid up shareholding guarantee.
The Model is determined to sustainably protect the interests and welfare of the target community.
NAME Indian (Sub-Cont) Crisis & Support Agency – ICSA
Date: 30 Apr 2014
ABN 37 169 307 331 ACN 169 307 331
Charity ACNC
Charity Tax Concessions ATO
REGISTERED ADDRESS 58 Armitage Drive, Glendenning, NSW 2761
Our Governance
- Our Company Registration
- Our Charity Registration
- Our DGR Status – all donations over $2 are fully tax deductible.
- Our Constitution
- Our Code of Conduct
- Our Financial Reports