Professional Development

Our learning products are mindful and inclusive of CALD needs and cultural contexts.

Our training courses and workshops are specialised for understanding CALD-related contexts and complexities.

Cultural Intersectionality

Our professional development is aimed at improving understanding of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities, to achieve better outcomes.  Improvements directed for clients, customers, the organisation and wider community.

CALD communities have additional complexities and multi-faceted issues that overlap which present obvious practical challenges.

What is often not so obvious, is the underlying intersectionality such as culture, tradition, faith, acculturation, all of which can be drivers of behaviour or decisions.

We curate our expertise and expertise in understanding and managing complexity and intersectionality into learning and training.

We have pioneered a range of professional development products that are insightfully crafted to offer an improved understanding of CALD communities.

Our professional development benefits:

Frontline workers improving knowledge & skills

Service providers better practice

Organisations with large CALD workforce maximise Cultural capital

Employees new to Australia fitting to new work culture

Policy makers make fit the future systems

Tailored training

Our training is developed with lived experience, practical case management and valid community intelligence. 

One of our key strengths is to be able to tailor our courses to an organisation or discipline.  We modify a topic to include an organisation’s or group’s core objectives and use cases studies as relevant. 

An example would be cultural mindfulness for counsellors or DFV challenges for Police.

Our courses are useful to corporates and private industry as part of employee induction (dealing with CALD clients or customers), or for organisations that have large CALD customer base and want to achieve a better quality of service or build more business.

We have several options for training and development delivered face to face or online; we can tailor packages to your requirements. 

  • Courses
  • Workshops
  • Webinars
  • Podcasts
  • Resources

The full list of opportunities is available for registration and self-learning through our online learning portal.  Face to Face delivery is available for all items and products that can be tailored are annotated as such. 

Better Practice

Better Practice can save time, improve results, minimise or prevent negative consequences.

Getting better at what we practice does actually take practical experience.  Getting exposure to all forms of situations, issues and needs to get experience is not always available within our scope of work.  So the next best thing is to learn from case studies and shared experiences. We convert direct knowledge from clients lived experience and our case management into case studies to workshop.

The workshops are more effective face to face and can be tailored to case studies from a host organisation.  Making it more relevant to staff from that discipline or agency.

Better practice workshops are an effective way to improve staff skills and understanding of complex topics such as cultural abuses, dowry abuse or CALD DFV.

Look through our catalogue of workshops to see what may benefit your practice.

Growing knowledge

We advocate for issues that directly impact our community, to improve systems and for social justice.  Our work in this area can be followed at advocacy.

ICSA has recognised expertise in various key CALD issues, such as Dowry Abuse, Mental Health or End of Life.

We expand the knowledge to a wider audience, to help improve understanding and the complexities.

We have presenters that can speak on a range of topics that are dedicated to particular CALD needs either as a special presentation or panels.

We have resources and materials that are available through our online learning portal.

Dates for upcoming webinars or online sessions are shared through our social media and newsletters.

Please follow us using the links above, and subscribe to our newsletter below.

People & Culture

Organisations in Australia have an increasing number of CALD workers and employees are keen for their teams to assimilate and work together in a friendly, collaborative environment that benefits everyone to meet organisation’s objectives.

We assist organisations in

  • Developing and strengthening their multicultural infrastructure
  • CALD auditing
  • Building integrated workforces
  • Understanding CALD worker cohorts
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Building Cultural Competency
  • Induction packages

We understand that each organisation has different aims and objectives towards improved diversity and inclusion. We offer tailored solutions to meet the needs of your employees and your work culture.

We work with you to secure the best package for your organisation or agency.

Community Education

Community education and awareness is key for two reasons.

  1. Building community knowledge and raising awareness is key to improve access to and get timely and appropriate support, when people are in need.
  2. Positive change can be more effective when advocacy sits alongside community education. Where cultural and legal practices clash, any effort to address traditions that are harmful or steeped in shame and stigma can only be achieved with the inclusion of the wider community.

Knowledge and being aware means people make informed and just decisions that are legally compliant.

We can deliver online or in person to educate or help raise awareness through:

  • Awareness Sessions
  • Webinars
  • Tailored Training
  • Workshops

Our customers

Our customers for professional development come from a range of backgrounds.

  • Frontline Government Departments (Police, Health, Education)
  • Government: Federal, State and Local Councils
  • Sector Service Providers & NGO Agencies
  • Academic organisations (University, TAFE, RTO)
  • Corporates (Banks, Legal Practitioners)
  • Private Industry (small to medium business)